Follow my directions and imagine this picture: PAIGE, setting out, wrapped in frosty air and thinking about food and love. Behind them their house key hangs from the lock. With a promise of adventure warming in their hands, they disappear into the morning.
  Give PAIGE places to stay the night which at first they’d barely call a house, and when they leave, they have forgotten whether they are going home or leaving it.
  Imagine PAIGE’s pockets. Tough material, ambiguously brown. They sag heavy with friends now. Strange friends, nice friends, powerful friends, and good friends. PAIGE keeps their favorite friend in their snuggest pocket. Imagine a horizon in two point perspective with point PAIGE and point Best Friend.
  Imagine a box labeled “Time”. Fill it, for PAIGE, with things you find compelling.
  Imagine you are PAIGE. You are so close you could almost begin. There it is, right behind this – door? barrier? anything – : the best story. Theorists claim this story is the reason for reality: so that there could be this fiction. No one knows what this story is about, and some say it is different for everyone. You, PAIGE, will be the first to find out, when just at that exact moment YOU (you) click this